Friday, July 28, 2006

Where has the summer gone?????

Man, it seems like just yesterday that we were all excited that school was getting out. Now school starts in less than a month. Wow, how time flies. Must've been having a good time. Not to say this summer hasn't been eventful. I'm not bored at all. I've had just enough stuff to keep me busy. Plus, camp was totally awesome. So I'd have to say, summer's been pretty good, and there's still more of it left. Have a great rest of the summer all my good people. Here's to hoping the root beer always flows and the chapstick never turns dry.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Phroneo Christou - Living the Attitude of Christ

So, I'm back from my excursion to Lookout Mtn., Georgia. What a week! Man! God couldn't have work better. A friend of mine accepted Christ, my other friend got her life back going with Christ, and God gave me a God-sized mission. So you could say I'm on a mission from God. So I digress.

It was revealed to me this week that I worried too much over my life. The origin of my worry was that I hadn't really given up myself. So I had to take care of myself, which is not how we're called to live. So I gave it to God no matter the outcome, God's in control. Let God make the list and He'll take care of the rest.

During one of the messages this week, I think it was Monday, the speaker, David Rhodes, used an illustration from Ezekiel. He told the story of the Valley of Dry Bones. How Ezekiel obeyed God and prophesied to the bones and a whole army was created. He also used the example of the Crazy Towel Guy at Duke basketball games. We are called to be that guy. If we wave our towels, the bones will rattle, and people around us will be changed by Christ.

So that's my mission. I've been given a position as senior class president of my high school. I have an amazing chance to be a lifechanger to my school. If I can't obey God with this responsibility, what else will I be given? So, I ask that you will pray for me that this school year I can be used in a great way by Christ.

P.S. - Pictures of Camp will come soon. And congratulations to Molly for accepting Christ.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

High School Camp 2006!!!!!!!

Well, Middle School had their chance. Now it's time for us High Schoolers. It's time for waking up early, taking 8 hour van rides with "happy" people, spending an awesome week just soaking in the glory of God. Pretty cool, huh? Anyway, this is just a prep for Camp '06, Nick Watson style. So sit back, relax, look at the neat pics of camp, and comment away.

Oh yeah, we're going to Lookout Mtn., Georgia, for those who wanted to know. Any prayer would be greatly appreciated. 'Cuz we all know the Devil doesn't exactly like when a ton of
people gather and totally focus on Christ. So PLEASE PRAY FOR US!!!! Thank you.